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- 7" - Punk

9.00 ✱ TAX included

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Split 7″ of francophone Oi! between Paris and Montréal, 2 new songs each and fuck yeah they sound good! Personally i like a lot the sound of TCHERNOBYL, not too different than their previous 7″ but mayber cleaner production this time? I don’t know, but that somber touch they have turns me on. I know i’m a sucker for all things dark, and they do it right, specially with those guitar leads with those grim-ish melodies. FORCE MAJEURE on the flip give it something sharper, guitar tone is cleaner, more “ranga-ranga” if you know what that is, and generally more Rock’n’Roll influenced, which is also a big plus for me. All in all, great split 7″ with to awesome bands that complement each other perfectly on this 2 way piece of wax.

Additional Information
Weight 0.087 kg